Salaam Masjid - KEMPSTON
44-46 Bunyan road | Kempston |MK42 8HL

Alhamdulillah, Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the masjid renovation is complete!
Please Note:
Jumu'ah, Khutbah will begin at 1:10pm and Salah at 1:30pm
Please click here for details on the Masjid Renovation project
Madrasah classes for our children has resumed now. All parents will need to download and fill in the application form and hand it over to the Madrasah administration to re-enrol their children. The application form can also be downloaded from the Madrasah page.
About us

Kempston Salaam Masjid was established in 2012. Allhamdullillah, the masjid committee would like to express our gratefulness and thanks to all brothers and Sisters for being part of our vibrant and growing community.
With your support we have been able to accomplish so much over the past years. We ask the Almighty Allah SWT to accept our efforts, forgive our shortcomings and cast us among those who have earned His pleasure.

Charity Projects

Salaam Masjid continuously supports those afflicted with calamities around the world and those who are less privileged to have basic needs for survival. Some of our ongoing support projects include raising funds for providing clean drinking water for small villages in African countries including countries like Tanzania, Zanzibar and Kenya. For latest updates on support projects, please click on the link below.